HYDERABAD: Participants in a rally held outside the neighborhood press club on Sunday raised trademarks for a "Mohajir" territory and requested production of more regulatory units in Sindh and different parts of the nation as proposed by Muttahida Qaumi Movement boss Altaf Hussain. 

They were convey pennants and notices engraved with trademarks in backing of the Mr Hussain's proposal and holding of neighborhood government decisions. 

The pennants and notices conveyed the name 'Common Society of Hyderabad' a gathering accepted to be connected with the MQM, as the coordinator of the rally. 

In any case, no MQM administrator, part of its any coordination board of trustees or a known gathering pioneer tended to the rally members. 

The individuals who identifies with them included Hyderabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI) part Ziauddin, merchants' pioneers Saleem Vohra, Anwar Kundan, Aijaz Naghar, Advocate Imran Qureshi, previous Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (HMC) authority Syed Barkat Ahmed Rizvi and Dr Abida Malkani. 

They displayed numerous contentions in backing of Mr Hussain's proposal, and said that formation of more regulatory units to run the undertakings of the region effectively and consummately had gotten to be unavoidable. 

Mottos for the production of a 'Mohajir suba' were vociferously raised over and again amid the course of the addresses made on the event. 

Mr Vohra said those restricting the proposal would not like to exchange forces to individuals at grassroots level. 

Advocate Imran Qureshi censured PTI boss Imran Khan for restricting the proposal and blamed him for having received twofold standard.


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