BERLIN: Qatar won't have the World Cup in 2022, as per Theo Zwanziger, the German part on the official panel of world football's overseeing body FIFA. 

"I surmise that at the end of the day the 2022 World Cup won't occur in Qatar," Zwanziger said in a meeting with Sport Bild Plus. 

The previous leader of the German football league (DFB) refered to high summer temperatures as the reason Qatar would lose the right to have football's worldwide centerpiece. 

"As Mr Zwanziger himself says, its his individual supposition," a FIFA representative reacted to AFP subsidiary SID when gotten some information about the German's announcement. 

Zwanziger said: "Specialists say, and I had demanded this point in the convention, that they can't promise that a World Cup might be held in summer in these conditions. 

"While Qatar has allegedly created stadium cooling frameworks, Zwanziger said "the World Cup includes not just stadiums. There are fans originating from the four corners of the world who will be concerned by the high temperature". 

"The principal episode putting a life in peril will be liable to an examination. What's more that, no one in the FIFA Executive Committee would need to answer to. 

"Be that as it may in a meeting with Die Welt daily paper, Hassan al-Thawadi, secretary-general of the Qatar 2022 arranging board, pronounced himself "beyond any doubt that the 2022 World Cup would happen in Qatar". 

"No, I'm not stressed," he said. "Firstly in light of the fact that there's no premise to lose the World Cup. 

"Furthermore also on the grounds that its the first World Cup in the Middle East. 

"At the point when individuals think about this locale, its somewhat regarding clash. The World Cup will be an event to unite people groups. It will leave a positive legacy. "Debate has tormented FIFA's honoring of the World Cup to Qatar in 2010, with summer temperatures in the Gulf emirate arriving at the upper-40s Celsius. 

The thought of exchanging the World Cup to cooler winter months does not sit agreeably with all authorities of Europe's major classes. 

Gas-rich Qatar has likewise gone under the spotlight over remote laborers' rights and also allegations that defilement had impact in winning the right to have the World Cup. 

Britain's Sunday Times daily paper has charged that previous Qatari football supervisor Mohamed Bin Hammam paid more than $5 million (3.7m euros) to addition help for the emirate in front of the vote. 

Qatar has firmly denied the charges. 

FIFA's ethic board is to report in ahead of schedule 2015 the aftereffects of its examination concerning the attribution of the 2022 World Cup to Qatar, as well as the 2018 release to Russia.


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