MOSCOW: Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday hammered the European Union and the United States for abusing fundamental World Trade Organization standards in their offer to rebuff Russia over the Ukraine emergency.
"Cutoff points presented against Russia are none other than a dismissal by some of our accomplices of fundamental WTO standards," he told a legislature meeting in broadcast remarks. "This is all done in a politicized way, without any perception of WTO standards."
"The rule of equivalent access for all nations to business sectors for products and administrations is, no doubt disregarded. The administration of 'most supported country' treatment and the standard of free and reasonable rivalry are, no doubt disregarded," said the Russian president.
"Basically, a gathering of nations singularly permitted themselves to cross out these and various other WTO standards and principles for Russia, which is among the world's six biggest economies." Washington and Brussels presented a few rounds of gnawing approvals against Russia over Moscow's "inadmissible conduct" in Ukraine.
The Kremlin countered by requesting a ban on Western sustenance supplies in August and debilitated to boycott imports of autos and customer merchandise, for example, garments.
"We comprehend that there are things which are clearly more critical for our accomplices than the ordinary state of the world economy," Putin said frigidly.
"Let God be their judge, that is their choice," he said, alluding to Western approvals.
The EU said in August it may speak to the WTO over Moscow's boycott on its nourishment and horticultural items.
Russia joined the worldwide exchange body in 2012 following 16 years of talks.
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