UNITED NATIONS: Washington's curve enemy Iran has a part to play in handling Islamic State (IS) aggressors who have invaded huge swathes of domain in Iraq and Syria, US Secretary of State John Kerry said. 

Iran's preeminent pioneer Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said this week that his administration had rejected an appeal from the United States for collaboration on the combat zone. 

US authorities have not affirmed or denied making an offer in private, yet they don't see Iran as a component of the coalition they are building to battle the IS aggressor scourge. 

Kerry said Friday that in battling the jihadist danger "there is a part for almost every nation to play, including Iran." 

Simply a week ago, the top US representative had said it would be wrong to welcome Iran to gatherings looking to building an universal coalition on account of Tehran's "engagement in Syria and somewhere else." 

Iran is eagerly supporting Iraq's administration against IS jihadists, and helping Syria in its fight against both the IS gathering and unaffiliated agitator bunches. 

Washington has battled with its against IS engagement in Syria, officially in the holds of a severe common war setting the agitators against the powers of President Bashar al-Assad. 

Talking before a gathering of 35 nations united for a gathering at the UN Security Council by top US ambassador John Kerry, Iran's delegate outside priest, Abbas Araghchi, focused on the need to chip in with governments in the locale. 

"To battle IS in Iraq and Syria, we must collaborate with the administrations of those nations," he said. 

"Any military technique, particularly as concerns Syria, that would debilitate that nation's focal government is bound to fall flat." 

Tehran is a nearby partner of Damascus, and Araghchi demanded Iran was "the main nation in the area that has underpinned the Iraqi government in its battle against IS." 

"Iran is prepared to help the administration of Iraq and different nations in the area confronting the IS danger," Araghchi included remarks reported by the IRNA state news office. 

He later told Iranian media in New York that both the Syrian and Iraqi governments must be assisted with equivalent measure. 

"In the battle against terrorism, the Iraqi and Syrian governments must be underpinned and any military activity against this dread gathering must happen as indicated by worldwide law and the United Nations Charter,"


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