NEW DELHI: Hardline Hindu patriots went on the frenzy at a college in focal India over a help request for casualties of destroying surges in Indian-held Kashmir, the bad habit chancellor said Tuesday. 

The crowd of young people stormed the Vikram University facilities in Ujjain city on Monday, breaking windows, tossing furniture and attempting to crush roof fans with wooden sticks, footage publicized on national TV indicated. 

Jawaharlal Kaul said the assault happened after the college issued a speak to help any Kashmiri understudies influenced by the surges that have guaranteed a few hundred lives and crushed the locale's fundamental city of Srinagar. 

"There was a claim issued by us for helping Kashmiri young men who are examining here...there was a request by the state government too," the bad habit chancellor told the NDTV system. 

"[the attackers] said they were from the Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrang Dal," said Kaul, alluding to conservative activist outfits interfaced to India's decision Bharatiya Janata Party. 

Hindu patriot Prime Minister Narendra Modi stormed to power in May over his middle left adversaries, starting apprehensions among religious minorities of an ascent of hardline Hindu grassroots gatherings in formally common however Hindu-greater part India. 

Kaul said he had bid through a neighborhood daily paper in Madhya Pradesh state for help to support understudies whose families were thought gotten in Kashmir's most noticeably bad surges in a century. 

"Especially the landowners [of the students] were asked for by me not to request rent for several months until the circumstances is over," Kaul said. 

The swarm stormed Kaul's office, requesting a clarification for needing to help Kashmiri understudies, before the viciousness broke out, he said. 

"In around 10-15 minutes they broke all the workplace furniture," said Kaul who was taken to doctor's facility in the wake of being shaken by the difficulty. 

The Hindu hardliners were obviously furious that such offers had not been issued for casualties of past savage surges somewhere else in India, incorporating in Uttarakhand a year ago, the Press Trust of India news organization said.


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