ISLAMABAD: Retired equity Riaz Kayani, part of the decision commission from Punjab, on Wednesday served a lawful notice worth Rs20 million to Afzal Khan, the previous Additional Secretary of the ECP.
It was requested through the lawful recognize that Afzal Khan apologize in regards to explanations against Kayani inside the following fourteen days.
As per the notice, if the previous extra secretary did not apologize for his demonstration of stigmatizing a serving part of the ECP, then Kayani claims all authority to continue with common or criminal claims against Afzal Khan.
Kayani has taken a stance in the perceive that Afzal Khan leveled unmerited charges against him in a TV program which harmed his notoriety in this respect.
Afzal Khan showed up on the system where he asserted that the general races were 'hugely fixed' and called previous boss equity Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry and Kayani as the essential guilty parties.
He asserted that the boss equity had meddled in the ECP's command by designating returning officers (Ros), and concealed his part by impacting the Chief Election Commissioner, resigned Justice Fakharuddin G. Ebrahim.
Kayani has said that Afzal was disappointed in light of the fact that he had been declined an augmentation of administration, and was making "amazing" cases to give just desserts to him.
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