The largest challenge for the upcoming film O21 will be to beat the benchmark created by blockbuster Waar, released exactly a year ago, but the film�s crew is crooked on proving that they have a fresh point of view to offer.

The spy-thriller, Operation 021, is set to release on Eid-ul-Azha this year. The film's official trailer launch event, which was held at Nueplex Cinema on September 21, 2014 was attended by lots of stars circling Pakistan's drama & film industry.

After the screening of the trailer, the film appeared to be following the footprints of Waar, but director Jami stressed that "it is nothing like Waar".

"Have you watched the film?" asked Khan adding, "Once it is released then they will talk."

The film is produced by Azaan Sami Khan, son of veteran actors Zeba Bakhtiar and Adnan Sami Khan who was termed by 021 cast as the �youngest producer�. The trailer was dotted with both Urdu and English dialogues but Khan did not disclose the reason behind choosing to make the film bilingual.

Jami who has been producing commercials and music videos will be debuting in film direction. The shift from a shorter medium to an extended does not appear to have been difficult for him.

�I think it was simpler for me to make the transition since it�s more difficult to work on a short narrative.�

�There will be no such thing in our film; it�s going to be serious, emotional and thought-provoking for the people.

Jami was speedy to point out that they had dissociated themselves from the trend of having item songs in films.

They also denied media reports of the film's simultaneous release in 22 countries.

021 will be competing with Na Maloom Afraad on Eid, which has already created a stir and curiosity among the masses. But Nadeem Mandviwala, CEO of Mandviwalla Entertainment believes O21 will do much better.

�O21 has what Na Maloon Afraad does not� star power. People will come to watch Shaan, he�ll take the film forward,� said Mandviwala while speaking to

The release of Pakistani films on Eid may indicate a positive step towards cinema revival, but Saqib Malik did not agree. Malik, a commercial and music video director, said while speaking to

O21 has a star-studded cast which includes the likes of Shaan Shahid, Aaminah Sheikh, Ayub Khoso, Hameed Sheikh, Tatmain-ul-Qulb, Ayaz Samoo, Gohar Rasheed, Bilal Ashraf, Wendy Haines, Joe Towne, James Hallet, Abdullah Ghaznavi, Shamoon Abbasi and Daniyal Raheal.

"The movies must not be released on the same day. With such few films coming in, the audience would ultimately be divided.�

Amina Sheikh, who has done versatile roles in both dramas and films, said they jumped at the role given to her because they is a diehard fan of actions films.

Gohar Rasheed�s role in the film remains shrouded in mystery, it's been on purpose left undisclosed. �It�s a spy film so you need to wait and watch. All I can say is that my role is the most experimental.�

Actor, Adnan Siddiqui whose Yalghaar is slated for release this year, was all praises for Shaan and believes that his presence is to make positive the success of the film.

Star's presence may have lift the trailer-launch event, but the film's first seven minutes, which were exclusively shown to the media, exposed few sound glitches. But for Jami, those glitches were due to low volume at the theater.

It is early to say how 021 will turn out or be received by the people. But probability remains, keeping in mind the inclination of Pakistani audience towards military/espionage films that it will do well at the box office.


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